One Unique Quality That We All Have as Humans

This one quality that we all share does not get talked about enough.

Daniel Worthen
3 min readApr 4, 2022
Photo by: PublicCo via Pixabay

There are a lot of beautiful things that make us unique as individuals. From our abilities to our likes and dislikes, all the way down to the inherent talents we all possess that make us shine amongst the pack. A shine, while bright and empowering, allows room for others to shine just as bright.

However, there is one unique quality that I genuinely believe does not get talked about enough. It’s a quality, that while individualizing, makes us all uniformly identical at the exact same time.

It’s not discussed with the amount of humility I truly believe the subject deserves. It’s preached with absolution, and I do not believe there to be any “absolutes” in this world.

It’s a quality that we all possess. We must discuss it and look from a viewpoint of genuine curiosity:

We are all aware that we are Aware.

Let’s think about this for a moment. We all, to some degree, have an awareness that we are aware of. Here’s what I mean by that. You know that you are alive. You know that you are thinking. You know that you are experiencing a reality from your own viewpoint.

It’s an impressive thing. It’s absolutely unique. It is fundamentally beautiful.

What does it actually mean though?

For many millennia, the major religions and great spiritual philosophies of the world have claimed to know the answer.

Some have called it “the conscious mind”

Some have called it “The Ego”

Some have called it “The Spirit”

Some have even called it “You”

Is that really You though?

In presenting these questions I do not claim to know any answers I merely am bringing your attention to the fact that it is.

This is a quality that we possess, this quality of awareness, and while others have claimed to give you the answer to something that may not necessarily be true for you I am simply telling you that what you have is admirable.

I admire you for being Aware.

This awareness is what allows us to do everyday tasks, and interact with people. It allows us to perceive our reality in our own unique way.

Okay, I’m “aware.” I understand that. Now what?

Go. Seeking.

Genuinely, I mean that with love and admiration. Go seeking. Get to the bottom of what this “awareness” is.

The religions and philosophies on planet Earth have claimed to know the answer to what this “awareness” that we all inherently perceive is. Yet, there is still a lacking of satisfaction and a continual search by the humans of this world.

Ultimately, only you know what’s true. You can see it. You can feel it. You can understand it. Nobody can take that away from you.

You, much like every human that walks this Earth, possess a beautifully unique quality and it sets you apart from any animal, ancestor, or artificial intelligence that has ever come before you.

This is a gift.

It is my conviction that we must all, for ourselves, find out what this “Awareness” really is.

I truly believe the unveiling of this answer will change the world. It will change your world. It will spark the beginning of the next step in human evolution.

As it turns out, this answer is not something that can be shouted from the rooftops or handed out on a pamphlet.

It needs to come from you.

You have this quality of Awareness. With it, you have the power to change the world.

Before you go changing the whole world at once, change your world first. It’ll make the journey much easier in the long run.

It will give you fewer battle scars to tend to. Believe me this.

I wish you all the best in your journey, friend.

With All Due Respect



Daniel Worthen

Management Trainer · Fresh Business Owner · Art Lover · Tea Drinker